Après une analyse approfondie du marché du Design, il nous est venu à l’idée de créer ce que l’on a appelé ‘’ LSD Pharmacie de Design Intérieur’’ – une entreprise ouverte tous les jours y compris les weekend, en permanence  24h/24h, pour ceux qui cherchent en vain un remède à la sombre réalité travers les fenêtres.


Dans notre STUDIO la créativité est notre passion, notre force motrice pour la vie et la création. Grâce à elle, chaque jour nous ressentons un besoin invincible d'explorer et de développer, dans un temps limite, nos connaissances des solutions non conventionnelles, en élargissant le domaine de nos projets au-delà du cadre défini traditionnellement de ce qui est possible et important.

LSD est une substance dérivant d’un procédé chimique, comme résultat de conséquences, d'expérience et de connaissances. Nos travaux et nos projets sont entièrement contrôlés et calculés avec une grande précision dans tous les détails.  Autrement dit c’est  ’’de la chimie  de projet’’ ce que l’on fait.

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Cupcake sweet jellybean apple pie

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Cake ipsum dolor

Cake 1

Paragraph cake

Cake 2

Paragraph cake

Cake 3

Paragraph cake


Cupcake sweet jellybean apple pie

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Area of operation

Wnętrza sklepowe

Retail design is and has been our specialty for last ten years.

Altought there are a lot of different approaches when it comes to designing the interior layout of store - there are also some common design strategies that lead to generate more sales for business.

We have the most advanced skills to create effective retail interiors that attract more customers to store, get them browsing more products and get them heading towards the checkout. The most important thing in retail  is  to keep in mind that from the moment someone steps into the store to the time they decide to checkout, right design decisions make a significant difference in regards to whether make a sale or not.



As former employees of one of the biggest polish and European corporations - we have learned a lot about effective space to work, primarily from the most important side - side of employee.

The deepest understanding of the needs of all employees and their individual needs - allows us to find the most adequate solutions for each company.

We can create both effective and attractive space to work - taking into account also the nontrivial and bizzare solutions that makes office more friendly space where employees willingly stays also after hours.


For each and every architect is the real privilege  when someone ask them to design the most private and intimate space that surrounds all us - their home.

The great responsibility but also a great excitement accompanied each step we make towards this common goal that leads at the end into the most significant question: if we succeeded or not, is our interpretation of your needs something you have been looking for?

The positive response for those questions made us an effective interpreters of your needs.

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Cake ipsum dolor

Cake 1

Paragraph cake

Cake 2

Paragraph cake

Cake 3

Paragraph cake


Cupcake sweet jellybean apple pie

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